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Полный Слив форума infosklad.org Июль 2018 (Все темы)
Andare allo stadio di Wembley. Dopo aver visto Londra da metri di …. Faremo un viaggio tra i Templari, chi erano?
To browse Academia. Остроумов С. Cai X. Geokhi, Moscow, , p. ISBN О роли биоты и биогенного вещества в биосфере.
To browse Academia. The article reveals the essence and the economic content of the economic efficiency at the enterprise level. Also, its forms are given, and respectively, indicators which can be used to measure the economic efficiency within the company. A production situation was proposed, through which have been rendered counting formulas for economic efficiency indicators and was given the economic expression, which simultaneously showed up to or after which values the enterprise carries on efficient production activity and marketing.